Green Card Details
The EB1-OR green card category is for outstanding professors and researchers. An EB1-OR petition may be filed simultaneously with another green card application. One petition may be approved faster than the other and can offer additional protection if one petition were to be denied while another is approved.
In order to qualify for the EB1-OR, the applicant must:
Be internationally recognized as outstanding in a specific academic field;
Have a minimum of three years experience in either teaching and/or research in a particular field; and
Seek to enter the U.S. in a tenure or tenure-track teaching or comparable research position at a university or other institution of higher education OR in a comparable research position with a private employer under specifically presecribed criteria.
For whom is an EB1-OR Green Card appropriate?
Outstanding professors and researchers who have at least three years experience either in teaching or research in their field and received international recognition for their work and their immediate family members.
What are the requirements for obtaining an EB1-OR Green Card?
Outstanding professors and researchers are recognized internationally for their outstanding academic achievements in a particular field. In addition, an outstanding professor or researcher must have at least three years experience in teaching or research in the particular academic field, and seeks to enter the US. in a tenured or tenure track teaching or comparable research position at a university or other institution of higher education. If the employer is a private company rather than a university or educational institution, the department, division, or institute of the private employer must employ at least three full time researchers dedicating themselves to research activities and who have achieved documented accomplishments in an academic field.