P-1 Visa Details
The P-1 visa is suitable for entertainers, circus artists and athletes temporarily coming to the US to perform at a specific competition or event. An athlete who wishes to remain in the US for a longer period of time should apply for an O-1 visa instead.
Entertainers, circus artists, and athletes who wish to qualify for the visa must show two (2) of the following from the list below:
A written consultation by an appropriate labor organization;
Significant participation in a prior season with a major United States sports league;
Participation in international competition with a national team;
Significant participation in a prior season for a US college or university in intercollegiate competition;
A written statement from an official of the governing body of the sport which details how the alien or team is internationally recognized;
A written statement from a member of the sports media or a recognized expert in the sport which details how the alien or team is internationally recognized;
The individual or team is ranked, if the sport has international rankings; or
The alien or team has received a significant honor or award in the sport.
Spouses and children of the P1 visa holder may obtain a P4 visa to enter and remain in the US. The P4 visa holder may attend school but if he or she wishes to work, he or she must change his or her status to obtain a work visa.
For whom is a P-1 Visa appropriate?
Internationally recognized athletes or sports/athletic teams entering the US to participate in an event of international standing
Entertainers and entertainment companies recognized internationally as outstanding to tour the US or participate in events
Distinguished circus artists who wish to work in the US
What are the requirements for obtaining an P-1 Visa?
A P-1 classification applies to an alien who is coming temporarily to the United States:
1.To perform at a specific athletic competition as an athlete, individually or as part of a group or team, at an internationally recognized level of performance, or
2.To perform with, or as an integral and essential part of the performance of, an entertainment group that has been recognized internationally as being outstanding in the discipline for a sustained and substantial period of time, and who has had a sustained and substantial relationship with the group (normally for at least 1 year) and provides functions integral to the performance of the group.