Good news! Today, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) started implementing the automated version of Form I-94, Arrival/Departure Record, at air and sea ports of entry and wil by week’s end include Charlotte Douglas International Airport in North Carolina, Orlando International Airport in Florida, McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, Chicago O’Hare International Airport, Miami International Airport and George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston.
Implementation wil continue across the nation through May 21, to include air and sea ports of entry that support international arrivals. For more information on the implementation schedule, please see CBP’s Travel Advisory.
Foreign travelers entering the United States at air or sea ports of entry wil be able to access their electronic Form I-94 by visiting CBP’s Website. Please take note of it! Upon inspection at the point of entry, CBP wil give foreign travelers a tear sheet with instructions on how to look up their electronic Form I-94 on CBP’s website. From this website, they can print out their Form I-94 in paper format. Foreign travelers may need their Form I-94 when requesting certain USCIS benefits, or when applying for public benefits from other government agencies.
Since Form I-94 is of the critical importance to prove a lawful entry when applying for adjustment of status and other USCIS benefits, it is essential foe all applicants to learn the new system of how to retrieve and print their Form I-94 in paper format.
To ensure that Form I-94 automation wil not disrupt USCIS’s adjudication of benefit requests, USCIS has begun updating certain forms requesting applicants and petitioners to enter the admission number from their Form I-94 and/or their:
Passport information, including passport number, country of issuance and expiration date); and Travel Document information, including Travel Document information, country of issuance and expiration date.
As evidence of lawful admission submitted with a benefit request, USCIS wil accept the electronic Form I-94 in paper format obtained from CBP’s website. This document is the equivalent of the paper versions of Form I-94 issued by CBP and USCIS. In lieu of submitting the electronic Form I-94 in paper format, USCIS wil also accept photocopies of the passport pages that contain the individual’s biographical information, visa and admission stamp. These alternatives wil al ow applicants and petitioners more ways to provide proof of lawful U.S. entry in order to establish eligibility for certain USCIS benefits. Visit our website for a ful list of USCIS forms being revised to align with the Form I-94 automation.
For more information regarding CBP’s I-94 automation or to access your electronic Form I-94, please see CBP’s News Release or visit their website.